Reiki For Families & Kids

In research studies kids who do Reiki have been shown to concentrate better in school, sleep better, and have a greater sense of wellbeing. Children seem to understand the Reiki energy even better than adults and are able to move with it intuitively.

What is Reiki?

Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) is a powerful energy that promotes wellness and transformation on all levels. The healing Reiki energy is channeled through the practitioner and is administered by light touch, or by hovering just over the recipient. Studies have shown that Reiki increases the white blood cell count giving a boost to the body’s immune system; and that Reiki eases depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, stress levels, and reduces pain in both chronic and acute conditions. When one receives Reiki their brain moves into an alpha state causing a deep relaxation, a state that is often hard to find in our busy western world. Reiki has also been credited with powerful emotional and spiritual transformations.

The most powerful form of Reiki is a Reiki attunement. Not only does the attunement create the pathways to administer Reiki to yourself and others but it intiaties a 21 day Reiki healing that can be extremely transformative. In my own attunement I released a disease called Raynaud’s, got off the sleeping medication I had been on for 7 years, and felt such a strong sense of homecoming and transformation that I think of my life as before and after Reiki. The most powerful attunement for a child I ever had the honor to participate in transformed a 9 year old who was in so much pain she was cutting herself into a healthy happy well adjusted kid.

Reiki For Families

One of my favorite offerings is attuning whole families to Reiki, including pets. Click here for more information on Reiki for animals. It’s so beautiful watching a family transform together and grow closer because of it. Often parents report having a better repertoire with their kids and a feeling of being able to understand them more easily as they reopen their own intuitive abilities. They also talk about having more patience and how they love being able to give their children Reiki when it’s needed.

For more information about family Reiki attunements or Reiki attunements for kids contact Nia at 847-208-2869 or