This will be a powerful night combining the divine guidance and healing energy of the Akashic Records with the transformative properties of Sound Healing.
The Akashic Records carry unconditional love, guidance, and healing energy from your Guides and Angels. It’s a vibrational record of your soul’s journey throughout time and space and contains all possibilities. It is a way to come into alignment with your purpose and open to all that you actually are.
We will start with Nia channeling your Guides and Angels so they can speak to you about your divinity. So they can help you understand it, feel it, and know it. Nia will then open the space up for an Akashic Q&A, so you can have all your questions answered and receive guidance from your spirit helpers. From there we will move into an Akashic Journey, where your Akashic team will be working on you energetically to help you clear out all that keeps you from standing in your divinity. Throughout the journey, we will be expanding into our infinity, into the oneness, and into the remembering of our soul center. Cary will then guide you into an integration sound bath experience.
Join us for a magical evening of transformation.
*Investment: $55